#SustainabilityEducation #ClimateChange

Welcome to MoreThanHuman

The Erasmus+ project MoreThanHuman focuses on challenging human-centred worldviews and engaging with relational worldviews in higher education to respond to climate change. The project is in line with the priority ‘Environment & Fight against Climate Change’ (Project number: 2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000153146).

#SustainabilityEducation #ClimateChange

Our goal is a sustainable future

MoreThanHuman seeks to address an educational gap by constructing a sustainability pedagogy framework grounded in evidence-based research. This framework specifically addresses competencies frequently neglected in conventional pedagogical approaches, ensuring individuals gain the knowledge and skills essential for actively engaging in a sustainable future. The project, by questioning established educational paradigms, aligns itself with the overarching imperative of combating climate change through inventive and relational teaching methods.



MoreThanHuman consists of a well-balanced and multidisciplinary consortium bringing together a consortium of 5 partners from 5 European countries.



Education is the key

Our objectives

Fill a gap in education

Fill a gap in education by developing a framework for sustainability pedagogy based on evidence-based research.

challenge human-centred worldviews

Challenge human-centred worldviews and engage with relational worldviews in higher education to combat climate change.

Develop innovative teaching frameworks

Develop innovative teaching frameworks and relational teaching methods for climate change and sustainability education

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